3 Mobile UX Basics to Improve Your Conversion Rate

3 Mobile UX Basics to Improve Your Conversion Rate

As most store owners are aware, the e-commerce industry has seen mobile conversion card up with, and even supersede other devices. With the improvement of technology, it is increasingly essential that storeowners invest in a seamless mobile and multichannel process for stores.

The market has seen several trends in 2019, regarding how retailers approach mobile. Many of the criteria generally lauded by the industry has gradually become basic features this year. However, it is intriguing to see that while the majority of store owners are implementing the fundamentals of mobile UX, many others haven’t tapped into the core functionality that can massively boost their conversion rates.

#1 – Intuitive Product Zoom

The first thing to think of is clear product photography. Alongside investing in product video and imagery, it is vital to take advantage of intuitive product zoom to ensure that visitors can inspect their potential purchase on mobile devices.

The usual “pinch and double-tap” gestures are familiar on mobile devices. Hence your store should account for these customers needs in mobile devices. A study conducted by Inchoo shows that 72% of retailers now utilize intuitive zoom on mobile. It’s clear to see that stores that do not take advantage of this technology run the risk of losing out on customers.

If your website relies on the built-in intuitive zoom on mobile devices, rather than built-in store zoom features, then the mobile experience is odds on to fall short of customer expectations which can directly affect your conversion rate.

#2 – Faceted navigation

An intuitive process for browsing, navigation, and search can boost your conversion rates by making sure that customers can access the products they want to purchase without stress. A faceted navigation process represents a genuinely streamlined and efficient listing page or collection that can support customers in their search of particular products in minimal time.

This is where a reliable Magento Developer comes into the picture. Customers expect to be able to choose different options for products, in terms of size, color, or type, rather than just view relevant products.

Little tweaks like this can boost the conversation rate, with improved user-friendly customer experience. Procuring the services of a top USA Magento Agency is instrumental in implementing these UX designs in your store.

#3 – Persistent carts

In regards to multichannel processes, investing in an intuitive mobile experience is vital, and a significant part of this process is a persistent cart technology. When a customer is logged in on mobile and pick a product to add to cart, the product they pick on mobile must be still available in their cart when they log in via desktop.

The customers can continue and complete the checkout process in a seamless manner. 3 out of 4 store owners implement persistent cart functionality in their stores. You mustn’t miss out on unrecovered abandoned carts.

Most customers won’t entertain the idea of restarting the process when they expect their previously saved items to remain in their cart. Your business poses a greater risk of losing customers this way. Existing customers provide exceptional value to your business, and you should optimize your checkout process on mobile to satisfy these customers.


Conversion rates are usually very low for retailers who do not meet customer expectations can often be linked to ancient platforms built for an era where the mobile web was unavailable, but that is no longer the case.

With the availability of professional Magento design teams across the USA you can partner with, there is no excuse to bring back the fundamental elements of a robust mobile conversion rate: customer experience and convenience.

What type of mobile UX features do you currently feature on your store? Let us know how they have helped your store in the comments box below. Till next time!

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